Intro blog

I have lived in South Jersey my whole life and grew up with four siblings. I have two older brothers, an older sister, and a younger sister, and a dog named Maggie. 

 I am a Culinary Arts and Food Service Management major and I’m in my senior year.  Over the past few years I have worked at numerous restaurants and I currently work at the Starbucks on the Harborside campus. In high school I played three sports and haven’t joined a team at JWU, but I still am a fan of a few sports teams and follow a lot of different sports leagues. I usually spend my free time with my friends, or eating, or both.  Most of my research experience has come from doing work and projects for past classes. In high school I wrote a lot of history papers and did a lot of historical research for book we read in class. Any research that I did at my jobs were food related, usually looking up a different recipe or cooking technique. My freshman year at JWU, my English class had a few research papers where I looked up topics like trophy hunting and the pursuit of happiness. At home, my family is constantly researching about dogs to help us better understand the things our crazy dog does.

For my dream topic, I would say that it would have to be something along the lines of food and its nutritional benefits, maybe even relating it to professional athletes. I’ve always had an interest in nutrition, but stayed away from the program, but this could be something I could do on my own.
My safe topic would be the pursuit of happiness. I already did a short research paper on it a few years ago and I could see it as something I go deeper into.
A crazy topic would be something related to my dog’s crazy behavioral patterns. My family has researched a few things already and we experience it every day at home. We see her act almost like a person sometimes, as well as a variety of other animals, so it would be interesting to research more about it but I don’t know how I could turn it into a scholarly research paper.
