blog #3

Napping has been around even longer than humans. There may not be scientific evidence to prove it, but we could safely assume that even dinosaurs took naps. 

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So while napping could be studied on the historical viewpoint, I found a lot more articles from a sociological standpoint. When researching naps, a lot of the articles I found most interesting were about different studies and experiments that were done about napping. A lot of them were social experiments performed on people, where some knew of the experiment, and some didn't know. 

Because my thesis is more focused on the college students's relationship with sleep and napping, I generally stayed with articles with experiments involving them. But it was also interesting to read up on about different age groups as well.

Image result for nap experiments

Naps don't really have an interesting history or biological backgrounds, so most of the research that can be done with naps is with surveys and tests. A lot of different medical institutions have performed a lot of different experiments. But a lot of these experiments can't be too accurate because of human error involved. Some have tried using computers with the experiments and those have helped, like the wearable activity monitors. But even computers cant accurately track our movements nad habits. Although sometimes it does feel like our phones know us too well...
